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So, this is it....

I want to tell people about how I work. My inspirations, hopes and fears. The little challenges that get in the way and the bloody big obstacles that we have to climb over. Where do I get my inspiration from? What influences me? Where do I find the time to write while caring for my wife and son and so on. I have a tale to tell. I'm a writer and I need to let people know. So I published a webpage. It's not bad for a beginner but I had help. Just as well because I'm terrible with technology. It hates me. I know it does. All tech stuff does. It knows I despise it.

I don't despise technology. Only when it goes wrong.

(Which is all the time).

Anyway, this is my first attempt and I'm a little nervous to tell you the truth. So why am I doing this?

Dark fantasy, horror, ghosts, Blog, Short stories.

I have terrible time management skills. I'm a bloke. We all do. But I'm trying to make something out of myself. I've had a few problems along the way but I've got through. I've been inspired by many of them. I'm still here and enjoying the view. I have a beautiful family and try to maintain a healthy balance between husband, father, carer, son and husband, brother and author.

One evening while attending Tothill Scribblers, (the writing group I'm a member of) a friend of mine spoke of my ability to juggle writing and caring. It fell on a fertile imagination and I thought, why not? So, here it is. There will be more. Tothill Scribblers meets on a Tuesday evening so I might schedule for posting after Scribblers.

This first one can go up now. Well, I've written it so it might as well. Later, I can tell you all about me and what makes me tick. If you like it tell me, if you don't...well you can tell me that too (just remember what I write about). Ha, only joking. You know that right?

Seriously, I hope you enjoy it. Just don't expect a masterpiece. That comes later. That's the real stuff. This? This is only the beginning. Welcome to my darkandtwistedtales.

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